Tuesday 25 November 2014

And She's Off!

It wasn't long after the show aired live; maybe a week or two that the phones started ringing at my Mom and Dads house. Agents, Managers, the offer to represent the UK in the Eurovision Song Contest and a few hoaxes thrown in just for good measure (obviously some dirty old perverts, lets be honest). The opportunities were intoxicating for a young 17 year old but I have to say I had a very old head on my shoulders for one so young and my feet had been firmly planted on the ground.

Eventually two phone calls came in that felt right, I spoke to two Gentlemen; the first being a Man by the name of Brian Harris and the second another Manager called Paul Connelly. Both had very different ways of presenting their ideas to me with  regards to my Career and both came from very different musical backgrounds, the latter being slightly cooler if I am honest. Arrangements were made to go and see both consecutively in London at their offices to discuss their plans/ideas in more detail.

London always felt like the land of dreams to me growing up and the day of the meetings I awoke with butterflies in my tummy, I really felt like I was on the right track, BIG things were about to happen. My Mom came with me for moral support that day because it was a HUGE deal and for some maybe could have been quite overwhelming; I had only just left school after deciding that studying for my A levels would only serve to delay my inevitable rise to stardom.

My first meeting of the day was with Paul Connelly. Paul was in his early 30's quite handsome and his offices/recording studios were dark and a little mysterious. He was from an Indie background and his ideas and plans for my career were delivered in a laid back style, speaking of long term development and experimenting AND without any real name dropping (well none that I knew of anyway). I came out of the meeting feeling comfortable but slightly unsure whether his ideas would marry my own ideals.

My second meeting of the day was in Hammersmith with a Manager by the name of Brian Harris and was held at the MCA Publishing offices (not his own may I add) but the location served its purpose, I was in awe! Brian was I believe in his late 30's possibly early 40's maybe; he actually looked older then than he does now believe it or not. He was a very warm Jewish Gentleman, balding, approachable and wearing an Armani suit; basically the perfect sales man. Brian explained that day that I had actually been discovered on the TV show by a good friend of his. This Friends was the A&R Man; actually not just an A&R man but the head of A&R at that time with A&M Records who previously discovered and launched the career of Dina Carroll.  THE A&R man (who I will name later on), upon witnessing my sublime talent had been moved to action and called Brian that same night demanding he find me.

I sat there in the meeting with more confidence, grace and integrity than I knew I had in me and worked hard to not let my excitement show. I was controlled and demure (not me at all), as I knew that if I was to be taken seriously I had to show that I was ready. Brian continued his charm assault dropping all the names that I admired: Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Rick Wake (Grammy winning Producer), C&C Music Factory (Grammy winning Producers and Remixers) and the legend Nigel Lowis who was at that time working with the whos's who of the British Pop RnB World; it was as if he was in my head. He mentioned that my artist development period would take just three months and that I would work with solely with Nigel developing my sound and getting together a repertoire of unique songs, even a song that had been penned by the legend Burt Bacharach.

He would also disclose at that moment that within this development period that he would take me shopping for an entire new wardrobe (all designer brands), totally restyle me, make sure that I was seen in all the right places and FINALLY when the package (ME) was complete shop me to all the MAJOR labels. The onslaught of candy being thrown in my face was unrelenting and unavoidably I was consumed by his delights.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

How It All Began

Well I guess first things first, I should introduce myself...

My name is Rebekah Ryan I am 38 year old Ex-Popstar. My Career began in 1993 when I was spotted on possibly the worst Talent show ever to air (you'll soon recognise that I don't mince my words). The show was called Pot Of Gold and was presented by the wonderful Des O'Conner; and yes he really was lovely.

I was brought up by two wonderful Parents from a working class family and my Mother used to scour the Stage Newspaper each week looking for opportunities for me. She made a habit of forgetting to tell when these auditions were; she kept my diary close to her chest as she knew if she told me weeks before I would probably get so nervous that I would lose my voice; a cunning trick from a very knowing Mother.

For Years I had been singing around working mens clubs with my dad; I think since I was around 6; I remember standing up in front of a crowd in a very smoky working mens club and belting 'Ma he's making eyes at me', a memory that's still crystal clear in my mind. I remember all the oohing and ahhhing of the crowd and the applause and I knew in that moment that this would be my life.

The audition for Pot of Gold was pleasant, nothing like the X-Factor audition that I would do many many years later. The audition was in front of the programmes producers and they were respectful and kind to me, my first taste of the more professional side of the entertainment world was at this stage a good one. My audition was a success, I sang 'Didn't We Almost Have It All' by Whitney Houston and my place was granted on the show.

When the day arrived to do my televised performance I remember the makeup and hair ladies saying "lets make her look like Whitney Houston", ( I am caucasian so I thought this a bit odd ). Being a huge fan of Whitney I went with flow however I came out looking more like I was 50 not 17 and closer to Shirley Bassey, not cool when all your mates are gonna be watching.

I came out on that stage that night and my lips were glued to my Colgate White Teeth....I thought it would be so noticeable. My stomach was churning and I felt like bursting into tears when I saw the proud face of my Irish Father sitting in the audience; I knew if I was to get through the performance without crying I would not be able to let myself catch his gaze again. Miraculously my nerves kicked into adrenaline and I gave the performance of my life....like my life depended on it....

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