Wednesday 4 February 2015

Taking The Horse To Market

The next few months for me was the most exciting time of my career, my feet literally did not touch the ground.

This is what the industry calls 'The Development Stage'...

First came the Music. I had songs being crafted for me by one of the industries most successful writers/producers of that time within the UK, 'Nigel Lowis.

I'd like to make you aware as I think its important for artists to know this...that at this point of my career and aged 17 I had no input whatsoever in the creative or A&R process. It was clear from the start, vividly clear that I was to have no say in what I sounded like...I was to be told what to sing, how to look and how to act. This is where the term 'POP PUPPET' comes from because at this point thats exactly what you are. Back in the 90's the industry was full of them so I was no different we were put on the production line like Barbie Dolls, commodities but hell it was still FUN!! haha...we were living the dream!

Anyway, back to my whirl wind three months...

After the music was written I had my first taste of a REAL Studio. I remember walking into the vocal booth and for a moment feeling extremely isolated and alone...not being able to hear if people were talking about me through the glass...possibly only half sharing conversations. Then.. once I'd taken a few deep breaths and calmed my nerves I asked that the lights in the booth be turned down; I earthed myself and as the music came through the headphones I opened my mouth and sang. WOW!!! I felt like I had died and gone to heaven the sound was clear, warm and pure..the music wrapping itself around me like a note knitted blanket. In that moment in that space, my space I began my life time love affair with THE RECORDING STUDIO.

Nothing In This World - Rebekah Ryan - Written by B.Bacharach/N.Lowis

Once the tracks had been recorded, polished and enough 'magic dust' had been sprinkled all over them (another sign of the times. Everything for female artists was...well...pretty...really, really pretty) it was time to sort out the image.

Now, as you know by now I'm from a Town in the options for fashion were, I would say limited at that time. However I knew LABELS....I knew my designer brands and I'm not talking your LEVI's or your Gio Goi or NIKE...I'm talking your Chanel, Armani, DKNY, Gucci. Never in a month of Sundays did I think that I would be wearing them, not at 17 anyway or ever in fact ??

I was taken shopping on Bond Street by manager and well lets just say it felt like a scene from Pretty Woman...he must have spent thousands (well I spent thousands but we'll discuss that at a later date). We had the young store assistants literally shaking with delight...kaa-ching!! £££££££

Then it was off to Trevor Sorbie to have my hair cut by the senior stylist in Convent Garden (he was quite dishy actually, although too old haha).

By the time Brian (my manager) had finished putting me through my remodel, I came out looking like I already WAS a STAR!

Then and only then was this race horse ready to take to market!

I was taken from label to label by Brian (who chaperoned my every move); MCA, POLYDOR, COLUMBIA, EMI, LONDON meeting after meeting all the time witnessing him hype and wind up this machine. I was taken to parties, bars, restaurants, show cases, gigs...I don't even think I had time to take it all in. My life had changed soooo dramatically in such a small amount of time in fact it was unrecognisable and so was I. I remember getting really homesick at this time and missing my friends and boyfriend (who was still fairly new) and of course my family desperately. It did feel slightly that I was being propelled to adulthood on the fast track...and everything had become sooo serious. It's probably no wonder then looking back, that it was at this time that I started to experiment with drugs.

It wasn't long before I had 3 Major Record Deals on the table....MCA, COLUMBIA and POLYDOR. I remember feeling and saying that I really wanted to sign to Columbia simply because Barbara Streisand and I could be label buddies!! Plus I really liked the A&R man Mick Clark...he seemed honest and passionate about music and I got a cool vibe from him.

However, although I did get free tickets to see my idol in concert and a limited edition box dream of being label buddies never came to fruition and eventually after a lot of carrot dangling I was told that I would be signing with MCA.

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